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Most of the talks can be accompanied by uniforms, equipment, weaponry (deactivated) and ephemera. This is a mixture of original items as well as museum quality reproductions. Prices for talks are from £45. We can also develop new talks if your organisation needs a specific topic not listed below (i.e. 'The Peterloo Massacre' and 'The Story of the Home Guard' were originally developed out of requests from library services for these subjects). Contact Owen to discuss your requirements and make a booking.

The Volunteer Force 1859 to 1908 

Millions of Victorian and Edwardian 

men served in this organisation which was 

the predecessor of the Territorials,

yet relatively little has been written about it

and in particular its huge impact on society

and the leisure activities we enjoy today.


Snapshots From The Boer War

Lance Corporal Charles Powell took 

many snaps on his box brownie camera (a 

new gadget in 1900). This is his 

fascinating story as an infantry telegraphist

serving on the South African veldt.


The Boer War

This was a major conflict with 

serious repercussions. The conflict 

heralded apartheid and lessons learned 

from this conflict helped to shape the 

BEF of 1914. Yet both WWI and 

WWII have almost completely obscured this

forgotten conflict.  


The Evolution of Firearms

Firearms have existed for much longer than many people realise and have played a pivotal role in many historical events including the course of conflict, the rise and fall of empires, oppression and revolution. Find out about their origins and how they developed over time.

Code breaking During The Great War

 Whilst much as been written about code breakers of WW2 in recent years, much less is known about their WW1 counterparts and how they pioneered many of the principles and methods that were to be used two decades later.

The British Tommy of the Great War

This subject can be tailored to meet your needs and can include:

  • Training

  • Evolution of equipment and weaponry

  • Evolution of tactics


Home Service During the Great War

Very little has been written on this subject, yet millions of men and women were engaged in Home Service activities that were vital for the war effort. This also provided the blueprint for home defence during WW2.

Infantry Training During the Great War

There are often misconceptions about British Army training during the Great War, in particularly that this was generally scant for the infantry. In reality training was usually extensive, well designed, often specialist and constantly changing to reflect developments in situation, tactics and weaponry. This talk will explore the training that British infantrymen received and how this evolved during the war.

The British Tommy of World War Two

This subject can be tailored to meet your needs and can include:

  • Training

  • Evolution of equipment and weaponry

  • Evolution of tactics

The Story of the Home Guard 

Usually when people think of the Home Guard they picture the lovable but bumbling characters from the BBC TV series ‘Dad’s Army’. Find out whether this was an accurate depiction of the real Home Guard, how they were trained and equipped and where this idea for wartime home defence originally came from.

Researching Your Ancestors

Learn how to undertake genealogical research to trace your family story. 

  • Where to start 

  • Which websites are available

  • What information is available on each

  • Searching in archives

  • What you can gain from museums

  • Dating photographs

  • How to do it yourself for free

The Peterloo Massacre

When 60,000 people attended a peaceful meeting at St Peter’s Fields in Manchester on 16th August 1819 it was with a hope that they could secure the vote and gain a say in the laws that affected their lives. However, their attendance put them on a collision course with the vested interest of an establishment who were prepared to use extreme force to maintain the status quo. Discover the story of the Peterloo Massacre and how it played a part in shaping our democracy.

The Story of D-Day

On 6th June 1944 the Western Allies launched the largest invasion force in history against Nazi occupied Europe. Eleven months later Hitler was dead and the Third Reich defeated. Find out how D-Day came about, what happened on that fateful day and in the aftermath. Learn something of the experience of the individual British infantryman though his kit and weaponry.

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